Over £10,000 raise in a week for bereavement in maternity at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals

The ‘Serenity Appeal’ which was launched last week by Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals’ (DBTH) Charity in a bid to improve local bereavement care and maternity facilities has already raised £10,000.

Amongst other items, the fundraiser was launched to support the creation of the ‘Serenity Suite’ within the Women’s and Children’s Hospital at Doncaster Royal Infirmary (DRI), whilst also funding additional improvements at Bassetlaw Hospital.

As the namesake of the appeal, the Serenity Suite will be a designated space for families to go if they have experienced a bereavement, allowing them to spend time with, and mourn, the loss of their little one. It will be a self-contained and sound-proofed environment, equipped with a kitchen and bathroom, as well as having soft furnishings and lightings, all of which, it is hoped, will help support families during a highly sensitive time.

The funding will not only allow the creation of the suite itself, but also be used to enhance the support given at all stages of baby loss, right from early pregnancy to infant loss. This will be accomplished through the purchasing of a new scanning machine for Bassetlaw Hospital’s Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU), as well as by renovating the counselling rooms both at DRI and Bassetlaw.

Mathew Proctor and Rhian Morris, who are the Trust’s Bereavement Midwives, have been working hard to make this project a reality.

Speaking about the appeal, Rhian said: “The response we have had so far has been out of this world and we couldn’t be more thankful. Baby loss is extremely challenging to talk about and not something that parents ever want to think about. We must however put in the right services and accommodation for those who have experienced such as a loss, and the Serenity Appeal will help us to do just that.

“Any and all funds we receive will be used to ensure that we provide the gold standard of service for our local communities – helping to make such an upsetting time that little bit easier. If you want to support this cause, please get involved, donate what you can, or even think about creating your own fundraising event – it is such a worthwhile cause and something which is much needed within our towns.”

Whilst the appeal is off to incredible start, having already raised £10,000 within just one week, the charity still your support to reach the £150,000 total needed to fund the project.

Much of the total will be achieved through a variety of small fundraising activities and challenges which can be hosted and organised by anyone in the community who wishes to help.

There are a number of ways to donate to the Serenity Appeal, whether you want to make a one-off donation, take part in a sponsored event or create your own fundraising project – please head to https://dbthcharity.co.uk/serenity-appeal/ for more details.

If you have questions or would like to request more information in regards to this appeal, or for any other charitable project at the Trust, please contact the Charity Team on Tel: 01302 644244, email: DBTH.Charity@nhs.net or head to www.dbthcharity.co.uk