Amazon Wishlists

Amazon Wishlists

If you need ideas of what to donate, our colleagues have helped us establish an Amazon Wishlist of items that are needed for our wards. You can buy something directly from Amazon for your chosen hospital using the lists below.

The hospitals we cover are: Doncaster Royal Infirmary (DRI), Bassetlaw Hospital and Montagu Hospital.

Don’t forget!

 When you’re at the checkout for your item, please leave us a message which confirms the area and hospital you would like your donation to go to – this ensures we can deliver it to the correct department!

Doncaster Royal Infirmary General List

Bassetlaw Hospital General List

Montagu Hospital General List

Care for patients with dementia

Maternity Wards

Emergency Departments - DRI & Bassetlaw Hospital

Children's Departments - DRI

Children's Departments - Bassetlaw Hospital

Neonatal - DRI / Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) - Bassetlaw Hospital

Palliative Care - DRI